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Dr. Jorge Hurtado

Dr. Jorge Hurtado
Family Medicine
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Specialist in the care and management of medical emergencies. Specialist in the comprehensive approach to infectious diseases, international health, and travel medicine.

    LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, French
    TRAINING: Specialist in the care and management of medical emergencies. Specialist in the comprehensive approach to infectious diseases, international health, and travel medicine.

  • Degree in Medicine from the Autonoma University of Madrid (2015).
  • Specialty in Family and Community Medicine via MIR, in the 12 de Octubre University Hospital (2020).
  • Attending Physician at Orcasitas Health Center, affiliated with 12 de Octubre University Hospital (2021–Present).

    • Master's Degree in Infectious Diseases and International Health from Miguel Hernández University (2021).

    Specialty Family Medicine
    Training Specialist in the care and management of medical emergencies. Specialist in the comprehensive approach to infectious diseases, international health, and travel medicine.
    Work Days

    Specialist in comprehensive management of infectious diseases, international health, and traveler health.